an indispensable function is of course monitoring risk

Yeah it is certain that I have brought an end to the Ukraine war it was really all Jewish its aim was to topple Russian government and get the oil the hydrocarbons

Now that I am the principal policymaker well actually the uncontested policymaker for the entire world I am not sure there is a point to this web site anymore .... just joking

I had thought back around mid 1990s that the world was going to move into a much more advanced stage of development I have been right ... information and knowledge dominate

I have been responsible for toppling the Slovak government in Bratislava it seems I will know for sure very soon the new government is going to do exactly what I say

October 7 2023 was planned for many years in fact since 2000 there is little chance the Ashkenazi Jews will save their Zionism project they are now doing genocide in Palestine

I have called up many of the ambassadors in Washington from all over the world now they are beginning to respond I will be doing many interviews with top diplomats soon

I called up the Secretariat at the United Nations and had a good talk with them it was clear that Mr Antonio Guterres the secretary general realizes I am his boss

Ashkenazi Jews in Israel also in the United States are doing genocide of Palestinians in Gaza they will be eventually arrested and brought to the International Criminal Court in The Hague Netherlands

Actually it seems to be speeding up someone very influential a billionaire on Wall Street recently told me that I was going to get a Nobel Prize in fact I will likely get 3 of them

I will go with the ambassadors first that is like talking to heads of state but after I do interviews with these diplomats I will move to talk to heads of state with the recorder on

I have not spoken to them but I am certain that both Mr Vladimir Putin and Mr Xi Jinping agree with me and what I argue indeed whatever I argue

The biggest problem we face now is the indebtedness of the United States but I am confident that can be managed now that I am running the US government

The most important indeed freaky thing that has happened in the world was Ashkenazi Jews migrating to the USA starting in 1880 they are exploiting Americans who are mostly farm genome

I have been planning this for a long time but I am going to soon begin republishing most if not all the interviews [audio] I did in past 20 years about 500 of them

Among these republished interviews will be my interviews with the co-founders of Hamas did these in 2003-2004 .... Israel assassinated them immediately afterwards

Having a dialogue with the world's heads of state is pretty interesting actually it is not much of a dialogue I tell them pretty much what to think and they listen so I tell them what to do

I am planning to do a daily 7 days/week audio report which I will call "15 minutes WAM media" I will offer comment on what is going on in the world I am just getting back to work

I have been thinking how long before Israel is totally destroyed and most so-called Jews are killed I got the impression it is not too far off it could be shockingly soon

Because of me there is now no threat of major war no threat whatsoever the public is maybe not aware of this yet but they will be

My main job right now is to design and implement a new security architecture for both Europe and Asia also for the United States to absorb Mexico and Central America maybe even Brazil

From “Genocide Joe” to “Genocide Donald”?

Nov 06, 2024

I was listening to a podcast at RT [] the other day, the host, Afshin Rattansi, is a British journalist broadcasting from Dubai, the United Arab Emirates. In English, of course. It is called “Going Underground.” It is excellent. RT is producing excellent journalism, very impressive. I rely on RT [Russia Today] to some degree, with Telegram. The host was talking about Gaza, and he was very honest, very informative, but what amused me and indeed shocked me was that he called Biden, the American head of state, Genocide Joe. I laughed, because this is of course the reality. Biden is a genocidal maniac, as are the majority of his senior aides in the White House. These people are criminals. American Jews – whose grandparents emigrated to the United States from the Pale of the Settlement – are mostly deranged and criminal. They are gangsters – who have taken complete control of the US government.

It is an amazing situation. You have these people who are clearly not civilized, they never had a civilization. In history they were herded into Ghettos, if they were living in Western Europe, starting around 1500. Then Catherine the Great, who was German, established the Pale of Settlement: “the Pale of Settlement was a western region of the Russian Empire with varying borders that existed from 1791 to 1917 (de facto until 1915) in which permanent residency by Jews was allowed and beyond which Jewish residency, permanent or temporary, was mostly forbidden.”

They had no civil rights, and you can understand why. They were criminals, not all of them, but the vast majority of them. Their “culture” – if you want to call it that – is based on deception and criminality. I do not know what their genetic origins are, most likely they are not really Jews, of Jewish genetic heritage. Some may be but probably most are not. It is debated who these people really are. Genetic studies are inconclusive, to some degree.

Modern German society – in the 1920s and 1930s – came into a confrontation with them. Hundreds of thousands of them had illegally immigrated into Germany from Poland, mostly Poland. This sparked WW2, this is my assessment. The Germans sought to remove them from Germany. I do not think there was any plan to exterminate them. So the “Holocaust” is a near total fabrication.

When the Pale of Settlement started to disintegrate, in the 1880s, a few prominent Jews like Theodor Herzl came up with the idea of Zionism. The Jews would create their own state, preferably in the Fertile Crescent or Levant. Yes, it may have seemed a somewhat attractive idea and project back then, but the reality is that it was deranged. “Theodor Herzl (2 May 1860 – 3 July 1904) was an Austro-Hungarian Jewish journalist, lawyer, writer, playwright and political activist who was the father of modern political Zionism.”

It was deranged, because these Ashkenazi Jews were and are deranged. Deranged ideas come out of deranged hominid brains. Their main brain deficit is an absence of honesty.

Today we see just how deranged Zionism is. It is really stunning just how deranged it is. The state of Israel was established in 1948. The United Nations endorsed it, which is in itself shocking. Today it is a genocidal machine, it seeks to establish itself as a leading power in the Middle East. Israel hopes to expand its borders beyond its current borders, although most Israelis deny this. Jews in the United States and Jews in Israel – Ashkenazi Jews – want an Empire in the Middle East and their total control of the United States government is the source of their power of wealth and power.

The Democratic Party in the United States is their tool. Since Ronald Reagan, the 1980s, they have also taken control of the Republican Party. Jews admittedly had serious influence over the US government since Harry Truman. Clark Clifford was their man in Washington – for decades.

Donald Trump has obliterated this arrangement. Trump was always a New York City Democratic Party voter, but at some point he decided to go with the Republicans. Yesterday he impressed me with his electoral success and he is now going to be returning to the White House for another 4 years. He possibly knows it, probably knows it, but we have a connection that goes back many decades.

His family lived in Queens, that's where they are from, but Donald Trump decided to move to Manhattan in the late 1960s. Maybe early 1970s. My father's family is from Manhattan, and we own a ground lease of the property on which the Olympic Tower stands. The Olympic Tower is on 5th Avenue, right across from the Rockefeller Plaza. It is the most expensive real estate in Manhattan. Donald Trump moved into the Olympic Tower when he moved from his home in Queens to Manhattan. So Donald Trump paid us rent. I know, it's funny. The Olympic Tower was built by Aristotle Onassis. It is an elite Manhattan skyscraper.

OK that is the background. Now the question of whether Donald Trump is owned, either totally or partially, by the Ashkenazi Jews in Israel. Is Trump going to be the successor of Genocide Joe? It is the most important question we can ask at the moment. Biden is a criminal and genocidal maniac, this is obvious. Will Trump follow in his footsteps?

There is no question Donald Trump is highly intelligent. He's had multiple wives, and his latest, Melania, might have been a girlfriend of his buddy Jeffrey Epstein. Then Epstein “gave” Melania to Trump. This is what I hear, but I have yet to confirm this. Journalists really do have to get confirmation of the information they come to possess. The issue is whether Trump serves the Jews or the United States. Trump knows that I do not approve of Israel, and that I don't like Jews. One of his daughters married into an Orthodox Jewish family. Ivanka. She converted to Judaism. Her father-in-law is a criminal and spent time in federal prison.

“Epstein said Trump told him he likes to have sex with the wives of his best friends, to the point where Epstein described Trump as having no ‘moral compass.’ Do you know what kind of lowlife you have to be for Jeffrey Epstein to say you have no moral compass? It’s like if R. Kelly got mad at you for leaving the toilet seat up.” [Jeffrey Epstein’s Trump Bombshells Blew Jimmy Kimmel’s Mind, November 4, 2024]

Epstein was Israeli military intelligence. I have that confirmed. Epstein and Trump were very close friends.

Yesterday someone asked me, a lawyer friend, who I thought was going to win the election. I predicted Trump would win. I was right.

It is the end of the Democratic Party.

Several reasons for this: it is the end of Israel, it is the end of affirmative action, it is the end of “socialism” and it is the end of Jewish control of the American government.

Either Trump establishes himself in history as a dignified and powerful and influential statesman or he stays a stooge of Jews – in Israel. I did an interview with Trump in early 2008. I was organizing this interview – also a review of his books – in November 2007. I was on the telephone with Ms Rhona Graff. She is Trump's personal executive assistant. I heard a loud noise above my house one morning, in Bodega Bay, while talking to Rhona. Sounded like a helicopter. I asked her to hold, and I went outside and looked up. What did I see? A Blackhawk UH-60 hovering right over my house. About 200-300 feet above me. I recall it had guns on it, I could see the guns. It was probably US Army. Trump is lucky to be alive. So am I.

If Trump follows my advice he will be fine. He will be outstanding. If he follows in Biden's footsteps, then he is going to go down in history as Biden's natural successor. Genocide Joe. Genocide Donald.

What do you think Trump will do? What path will he choose? Truth or lies and deception?