Yeah it is certain that I have brought an end to the Ukraine war it was really all Jewish its aim was to topple Russian government and get the oil the hydrocarbons
Now that I am the principal policymaker well actually the uncontested policymaker for the entire world I am not sure there is a point to this web site anymore .... just joking
I had thought back around mid 1990s that the world was going to move into a much more advanced stage of development I have been right ... information and knowledge dominate
I have been responsible for toppling the Slovak government in Bratislava it seems I will know for sure very soon the new government is going to do exactly what I say
October 7 2023 was planned for many years in fact since 2000 there is little chance the Ashkenazi Jews will save their Zionism project they are now doing genocide in Palestine
I have called up many of the ambassadors in Washington from all over the world now they are beginning to respond I will be doing many interviews with top diplomats soon
I called up the Secretariat at the United Nations and had a good talk with them it was clear that Mr Antonio Guterres the secretary general realizes I am his boss
Ashkenazi Jews in Israel also in the United States are doing genocide of Palestinians in Gaza they will be eventually arrested and brought to the International Criminal Court in The Hague Netherlands
Actually it seems to be speeding up someone very influential a billionaire on Wall Street recently told me that I was going to get a Nobel Prize in fact I will likely get 3 of them
I will go with the ambassadors first that is like talking to heads of state but after I do interviews with these diplomats I will move to talk to heads of state with the recorder on
I have not spoken to them but I am certain that both Mr Vladimir Putin and Mr Xi Jinping agree with me and what I argue indeed whatever I argue
The biggest problem we face now is the indebtedness of the United States but I am confident that can be managed now that I am running the US government
The most important indeed freaky thing that has happened in the world was Ashkenazi Jews migrating to the USA starting in 1880 they are exploiting Americans who are mostly farm genome
I have been planning this for a long time but I am going to soon begin republishing most if not all the interviews [audio] I did in past 20 years about 500 of them
Among these republished interviews will be my interviews with the co-founders of Hamas did these in 2003-2004 .... Israel assassinated them immediately afterwards
Having a dialogue with the world's heads of state is pretty interesting actually it is not much of a dialogue I tell them pretty much what to think and they listen so I tell them what to do
I am planning to do a daily 7 days/week audio report which I will call "15 minutes WAM media" I will offer comment on what is going on in the world I am just getting back to work
I have been thinking how long before Israel is totally destroyed and most so-called Jews are killed I got the impression it is not too far off it could be shockingly soon
Because of me there is now no threat of major war no threat whatsoever the public is maybe not aware of this yet but they will be
My main job right now is to design and implement a new security architecture for both Europe and Asia also for the United States to absorb Mexico and Central America maybe even Brazil
Aug 27, 2022
Some good stories is always fun and this is a good story. I was on the net with World Affairs Monthly [] in the early days, in March/April 2002. I was the first and only real journalist on the net with a professional web site. Audio and video files were installed by January 2003. The journalists at BBC were utterly shocked and amazed that I did this before they got this technology. BBC journalists always admired me, and I did of course have some respect for them in the old days because as I traveled around the world – with my wife – in the 1990s I listened on my little Sony shortwave radio to BBC World Service. I would buy print newspapers too, either the Financial Times or the International Herald Tribune. So I rarely would lose contact with the world, I knew what was going on.
Then of course I settled in Bodega Bay, CA. It was sort of a drag to settle down but our intention was to have children and so I knew that my travel days were finished. Caring for the children was going to be a big job, I was going to never leave them out of my sight. They are young adults now. The oldest – he was born in 2000 – is a scientist, engineer and inventor. He's on the net at The younger one – he was born in 2003 – is a helicopter pilot, with private license, commercial license, and flight instructor license. He's now working as a flight instructor [update 2023: he is now flying (commercial pilot) Bell 407 turbine helicopters]. So things are fine but you should realize what I did with them since they were born. You will have to take a look at to find out what I did. It's kind of interesting.
What does this have to do with Cleve Blakemore? And who is Cleve Blakemore? I really do not know, all I know is that he found World Affairs Monthly on the net and reached out to me, asking questions, praising my journalism. He told me he was astounded by how excellent the operation was. He was apparently living in Australia. I think he told me he was Jewish, from New York – or half Jewish, either his mother or father was a Jew. Cleve Blakemore had the internet, was on the net all the time, and my children were on the net all the time – when they were old enough, about 10 years old. Their brains – and Cleve Blakemore's brain -- are absorbing the information on the net – 24/7 almost. I do not know how old Blakemore is but I am assuming he is probably now around 50. We used to talk occasionally, from 2003 until 2006 or so. He had a blog named Vault-Co, I recall it was a blogging software. It was interesting. He said a number of times in his blog that I was the most interesting guy on the net, that my work was brilliant, spectacularly brilliant. It was flattering of course but I was interested in why he was so intrigued. Why was he so interested?
Back in the old days I was from time to time pretty much convinced there would eventually be a “nuclear war” and it wouldn't just be a few exchanges of ballistic missiles with nuclear warheads – it would be an all out volley and exchange of hugely destructive weaponry. When I say the old days I mean back in the 1970s, 1980s and then of course even the 1990s. Then it became more intense, this intuition of mine, in the early 2000s. Blakemore apparently had the same feeling – that it was inevitable. So he was just amazed by my arguments and of course my arguments as usual are pretty compelling.
I knew the Jews, Ashkenazi Jews. I knew they were crazy, that they are mostly criminals, and that they were hell bent on completely taking control of the United States of America and indeed they have now done so. I also knew however that both the Slavs and the Han Chinese were not going to be little obedient fawning dogs forever – they were going to reemerge as powerful entities. It was going to be a multi-polar world – obviously. Yet if you listened to the pompous Ashkenazi Jews who lorded over everyone around the world there was no way the Slavs and the Chinese were going to be anything but their servants and indeed slaves. Jews have every intention to conquer both Russia and China. It seems that Blakemore was convinced by my arguments.
I know I am likely to be right: when the insane and megalomaniacal Jews realize they are not going to be ruling the entire world and lording over everyone there is going to be a big problem. The big problem?
Nuclear war. You do not want to live where the Jews live: Los Angeles, San Francisco and the San Francisco Bay Area, New York, Washington DC, Miami, Israel, Paris [France], London. Those cities are likely to be targeted and they are likely to be totally obliterated in a nuclear war. The Ashkenazi Jews in Germany took on the Germans in the 1920s and 1930s and they were pretty much annihilated. This time I predict there will not be any Jews left. Near total extermination.
Cleve Blakemore is nowhere to be found on the net. Totally disappeared. Pretty strange. I would like to talk to him. If you read this Cleve then email me or call me. Would be great to talk to you. Blakemore was talking about building bunkers – bunkers for nuclear war. I was also interested in doing that but I have a smallish property in Bodega Bay. I have a much larger property in Nevada and I am planning on building a bunker there.
The United States government is dominated and controlled by absolutely freaky people – Ashkenazi Jews. They are criminals and there is no doubt that when they realize they are in fact just descendants of pawn shop retailers from Pale of Settlement shtetls the most horrible things are going to happen. Jews were not tolerated for hundreds of years in Europe, from the 1500s onward. They were not tolerated when living in the Slav's domain. Millions of them escaped to the United States – from 1880 until around 1920. This was a fatal mistake, to allow them into the United States.
The [highly likely] result will be nuclear war. The images below: first the Rational Wiki for Mr Cleve Blakemore; and second a Financial Times article [August 22, 2022] warning of nuclear war in Asia – with the Chinese – by a Hoover Institution “Japan expert”. It is a creepy article and I know how crazy and deranged the Ashkenazi Jews are. I do not know if Michael Auslin is Ashkenazi, I kind of doubt it. He's one of these guys who goes over to Japan to look for Asian women – he might have a thing for Asian women. I will try to talk to him, see if he will do an interview. I doubt he will but I will try.
[It turns out that Mr Michael Auslin is Jewish. I should have checked before I published this article but I failed to do due diligence. Hoover Institution does not respond to my requests to talk to him nor does the Hoover Institution Press. Of course it is not surprising that he is Ashkenazi Jew I sensed he could be but I said to myself, "Oh come on Tom they are not everywhere!"]
The third image is some unsurprising information about the numerous sex offenders living in Israel. Nice place, Israel. The fourth image is the only really serious Amazon review of Michael Auslin's book titled Asia's New Geopolitics: Essays on Reshaping the Indo-Pacific [May 1, 2020].
Again, kind of gives you the creeps. I have added a fifth image which is an Israeli newspaper article on how Jews in the Ottoman Empire were very much favoring homosexual relations as well as sexual relations with young boys. Ashkenazi Jews as well as Sephardic Jews are undoubtedly deranged. Does anyone have to wonder why they were herded into Ghettos starting the mid-16th century Italy? Christian Europeans sought relief -- and they got relief for more than 2 centuries. Then the nightmare reappeared. Integration of Jews into the high level and high achieving Western society.
We have a very profound problem, precisely the problem the Germans had in the 1920s and 1930s. Very frightening and very creepy.