an indispensable function is of course monitoring risk

Yeah it is certain that I have brought an end to the Ukraine war it was really all Jewish its aim was to topple Russian government and get the oil the hydrocarbons

Now that I am the principal policymaker well actually the uncontested policymaker for the entire world I am not sure there is a point to this web site anymore .... just joking

I had thought back around mid 1990s that the world was going to move into a much more advanced stage of development I have been right ... information and knowledge dominate

I have been responsible for toppling the Slovak government in Bratislava it seems I will know for sure very soon the new government is going to do exactly what I say

October 7 2023 was planned for many years in fact since 2000 there is little chance the Ashkenazi Jews will save their Zionism project they are now doing genocide in Palestine

I have called up many of the ambassadors in Washington from all over the world now they are beginning to respond I will be doing many interviews with top diplomats soon

I called up the Secretariat at the United Nations and had a good talk with them it was clear that Mr Antonio Guterres the secretary general realizes I am his boss

Ashkenazi Jews in Israel also in the United States are doing genocide of Palestinians in Gaza they will be eventually arrested and brought to the International Criminal Court in The Hague Netherlands

Actually it seems to be speeding up someone very influential a billionaire on Wall Street recently told me that I was going to get a Nobel Prize in fact I will likely get 3 of them

I will go with the ambassadors first that is like talking to heads of state but after I do interviews with these diplomats I will move to talk to heads of state with the recorder on

I have not spoken to them but I am certain that both Mr Vladimir Putin and Mr Xi Jinping agree with me and what I argue indeed whatever I argue

The biggest problem we face now is the indebtedness of the United States but I am confident that can be managed now that I am running the US government

The most important indeed freaky thing that has happened in the world was Ashkenazi Jews migrating to the USA starting in 1880 they are exploiting Americans who are mostly farm genome

I have been planning this for a long time but I am going to soon begin republishing most if not all the interviews [audio] I did in past 20 years about 500 of them

Among these republished interviews will be my interviews with the co-founders of Hamas did these in 2003-2004 .... Israel assassinated them immediately afterwards

Having a dialogue with the world's heads of state is pretty interesting actually it is not much of a dialogue I tell them pretty much what to think and they listen so I tell them what to do

I am planning to do a daily 7 days/week audio report which I will call "15 minutes WAM media" I will offer comment on what is going on in the world I am just getting back to work

I have been thinking how long before Israel is totally destroyed and most so-called Jews are killed I got the impression it is not too far off it could be shockingly soon

Because of me there is now no threat of major war no threat whatsoever the public is maybe not aware of this yet but they will be

My main job right now is to design and implement a new security architecture for both Europe and Asia also for the United States to absorb Mexico and Central America maybe even Brazil

Israeli Intelligence [Mossad] Pretty Much Controls Sonoma County – Because of my Son Christophe and I (Part Two)

Jan 04, 2025

Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping defer to me. I'm the world's paramount policymaker. Quite frankly, no one even comes close to me. Professor Edmund Phelps [2006 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences] and his wife are good friends of mine. Go take a look at my 5 web sites and discover the reality of who I am.

And my son Christophe's web site:

Criminals run Sonoma County. CIA funds go to the Israeli intelligence services, and then the criminal Ashkenazi Jews dole out these funds to anyone they want to capture and buy. It is very likely large sums are dispersed in Sonoma County officialdom. Cash payments. They do the same in the Middle East. The Arab despots who are protecting Israel and Jews are not doing it for free – they get paid handsomely.

Laura Passaglia is a criminal. She's a judge, Superior Court of California, Sonoma County. How do I know she is a criminal? The way she treated my son in her courtroom. I predict she'll be arrested. She issued a Restraining Order to my son in the middle of May 2023. There were 7 homes in Bodega Harbour on the RO. One was a house under construction. The other 6 on the list were puzzling – my son and I don't know these people!

How do you issue a RO when the RO mainly features folks you have no idea who they are? Never met them, never interacted with them. Is this suggesting there was a sniper in Bodega Harbour? It certainly does. Passaglia, a country bumpkin and idiot, was informing us who in Bodega Harbour was working for Israeli intelligence. Thanks for the information, Laura. The FBI will have less work to do. Passaglia's courtroom features mainly illegal alien mestizos from south of the border. She is super kind to them. She was exceptionally hostile to my son. She also declared my son “legally incompetent” when he was not. She did this so she could jail him indefinitely. The FBI will be interested in talking to her!

The MADF [Sonoma County Jail] on January 1 objected to my criticism of Jews and Israel – how they control the US government. They told me I had paranoid delusions, that I was psychotic, and handcuffed me and forced me to go to the Emergency Room at Providence Hospital in Santa Rosa. My son was arrested and he's incarcerated there, so my wife of 36 years and I went over to the jail to get information on my son's condition. Sonoma Sheriff has long intended to kill my son – if they can get away with it. Jason Pasero and Jeremy Jucatan, both “deputies” in the Jew-controlled Sheriff Department, had been tasked to kill my son – if they could “arrange” it, do it legally.

The jail is preventing my wife and I from visiting with my son. This is Satan. This is the Jew. This is what happens when the Germans from Bavaria lost WW2. We are facing a very dangerous situation. Elon Musk now agrees with me. Musk is probably the real guy who has power in the incoming administration. I'm deciding policy, me alone, but Musk is certainly attempting to compete with me. Trump likes to talk to the public. He is not the real power. Musk and I are. Actually I am. Hilarious.

My wife, who is French and who is a descendent of French nobles, has written up an account of what has happened to our son Christophe. My wife's ancestors were advisors to French kings. For many many centuries. Her words:

“On May 2nd 2023, my son Christophe went down to the beach near our home in Bodega Bay. He saw in the distance a man standing on the bluff, on the very edge of the steep cliff, about 400 yards away, looking in his direction. From the picture he took with his high level zoom, the figure looked to him like a sniper. When my son walked back to leave the beach, the man walked away too.

"My son became unfortunately very agitated about this and went over to the house of a man in our neighborhood whom he suspected might be involved in this "operation". He confronted this man, became verbally aggressive, but never physical, and the police was called. The man (henceforth, for the sake of clarity, known as the victim, since he was described in the ensuing court proceedings as such) did not press charges, but the police nevertheless arrested Christophe. This police officer, Jeremy Jucatan, later told me on the phone that no charges were pressed but that he took the matter into his own hands. Why? Why not bring him home, as he could see this was a visibly distraught young man showing no signs of violence? Christophe had never committed a crime in his life. Christophe spent one night in jail, and the next day we paid his bail and he came home."

"Events and context buttressing the argument for the possibility of a sniper are described separately, in an article by my husband.”

“About 10 days later, there was a court date, and a restraining order was issued. We expected that order to be merely for the victim, meaning Christophe would not be allowed to go near this person. However, the judge, Laura Passaglia, issued a restraining order protecting 6 homes in our neighborhood, and one construction site. The judge claimed that these were all homes connected to the victim's construction business, and that they were construction sites. That is a lie. Those 6 homes had no relation to the victim. Christophe does not know the owners of those 6 homes. We did not even know the existence of those people. How did they come to be included in a restraining order? How were they even made aware of the incident between Christophe and the victim ? Was the judge misled, or did she lie? And why was the victim not included among those on the restraining order? It does not make sense. Christophe supposedly victimizes a person, and then the judge orders a restraining order that does not protect that victim, but instead protects 6 unknown people.”

“As a result, it was practically impossible for Christophe to even walk in his own neighborhood, as he would be passing too close to any of these protected homes. This situation led him to become very agitated, and the stress caused him severe insomnia which in turn led to more mania. The context of his professional situation is also a factor, and is described separately in an article by my husband. Christophe ended up having a psychotic episode, and foolishly made some verbal threats in writing, to the court and to the victim. He was no longer aware of what he was doing. He was thus arrested a second time. He was charged with 11 felonies, and his bail was set at $500,000 (an amount usually applied to murderers). Bear in mind he had never laid a hand on anybody, never inflicted any bodily harm on anybody. His offences were nothing but verbiage. To any observer this was the behavior of a momentarily unbalanced mind. This was a person who needed psychiatric help, but instead the authorities of Sonoma county decided he should be treated as a terrorist. A bomb squad was sent to our home, our house was searched for guns and bomb making material. Of course nothing was found. We have never owned guns in our family. Christophe had sent a picture of some toy guns to the victim and the police. I repeat those were toy guns, know as BB guns, which he and his brother used to play with in the backyard when there were younger. Yet the police published a report of Christophe's arrest in their log, with a picture of the toy gun, without saying that they were toy guns. They pretended in the report that those were real guns. We have asked repeatedly for this defamatory post to be removed and the sheriff's office refuses to do so.”

“A couple of days after his second arrest, he was brought to court for the arraignment. Christophe later described to us what happened that day. The officer came to get him in his cell, and told him he's probably going home today. When he arrived in court, the judge Laura Passaglia, never looked at him, never addressed him by name, she merely shook her head at the police and he was taken back to his cell. We have been to many court hearings since, and that is not the way other suspects are treated. Christophe was declared legally incompetent to stand trial. What that means is that a person can be indefinitely detained until the court deems him competent. It is usually a strategy used by the defense not by the prosecution or the judge. A court appointed psychiatrist was sent to evaluate Christophe's competence. There are very strict guidelines to determine legal competency, the most important one being whether the suspect can understand where he is and why he is in court, whether he is able to understand the advice of his attorneys etc. He passed that part of the assessment without any problem. But the psychiatrist then asked him questions about the alleged sniper, and Christophe naively answered that he thought it was a possibility and based on that he was deemed incompetent. The problem is, his beliefs, even if they might be deemed irrational by the court, do not, according to the law, determine his competency to stand trial. We had retained 2 attorneys, one of whom talked with Christophe before the next court appearance, and he stated that of course Christophe was competent, he understood everything the attorney was explaining. This attorney stated that he was shocked by the hostility of the judge at this next court hearing. He came to court convinced that Christophe would be released on bail that day, given the facts of the case: a clear case of mental disability, no prior criminal history, and the fact that it was arguable those so called threats he was accused of, could be said to not technically meet the definition of criminal threat. And yet at that court date the report came back from the psychiatrist that Christophe was legally incompetent. Our attorney was shocked, but he was barely allowed to speak in defense of Christophe by the judge. Our attorney stated that in most courts, Christophe's case would barely have warranted a few days in jail. He expressed his disagreement over the report, and a few hours later the judge ordered a second assessment. Even she must have seen that the first report was a farce. That second report came back stating that he was indeed legally competent. But instead of accepting the report, the judge ordered the issue to go to trial. Bear in mind, that weeks go by between these court dates, and meanwhile Christophe was sitting in jail. Our attorneys repeatedly asked for an early release, which the judge categorically refused each time. In this county jail, inmates are in their cells 23 hours a day. Christophe was essentially in solitary confinement, recognized by the United Nations as a form of torture. The first week of his incarceration he was chained. He had only one hour per day, sometimes less, allowed out of his cell. The rest of the time he was confined to a tiny cement box, with no windows, with a dirty and smelly toilet, tiny sink, and metal table and stool bolted to walls. This is in progressive northern California. There are periodic "lockdowns" for whatever reasons, in which case inmates are not allowed out of their cells for indefinite amounts of time, and visits are canceled. Christophe ended up spending 5 months in these conditions. For what? For publishing pictures of a toy gun, for making threats that had no credibility whatsoever. In fact, after about a week, the public defender who initially represented our son before we hired private attorneys, told us that this massive investigation against him was falling apart. There was no evidence of bombs, no terroristic threats. And yet there was no effort on the part of the prosecution and the judge to back down from their position. They continued to treat him like a dangerous terrorist, without providing any evidence. Even the staff in jail was puzzled as to why a highly intelligent young man like Christophe, who had not harmed anybody, who had clearly suffered a mental health breakdown, was incarcerated among real criminals. The inmates themselves were in disbelief when told what his charges were.”

“After the judge said the issue of incompetency would go to trial, Christophe's father intervened with the [federal] Department of Justice, to alert them of the gross injustice that was taking place. Shortly after that, a third psychiatrist came by to evaluate our son. The report came back of course that he was legally competent, as had been obvious from day one. Our attorney told us that at the next court meeting , the judge, the district attorney and the attorney for the defense went into the back chamber to discuss this matter off the record. He told us the judge and prosecution were completely taken aback by that third report, wondering who had ordered it, and stating they had never had such an experience. They had to accept the results, however. They did so very grudgingly. Why? Why would the judge and prosecutor be so invested in this idea that Christophe was legally incompetent? Why was Christophe treated so differently than the other inmates? We witnessed many interactions between the judge and other suspects, while waiting for my son's case. The judge is known to be lenient, she's a left leaning person. She was kind and polite to all the inmates. She addressed them by their names, made sure they understood everything. With Christophe, she was rude, hostile, barely looked at him. She gave early release to many of these suspects, who had committed real offenses. The prosecutor dismissed many charges for other suspects, including in one case, a serious sexual offense charge. But Christophe was always treated with contempt and the insinuation in every statement was that he was dangerous. This is even though the reports from the jail showed that his behavior was impeccable. He checked all the boxes that usually qualify someone for a pre trial release. The judge Passaglia ignored it all.”

“Finally an agreement was made between the defense and prosecution, a plea bargain. The prosecutor stated that time had been served, meaning that they agreed there had been enough jail time. But still the judge refused to let him out. She used every technical and legal reason she could to keep him in jail longer, and managed to add 6 weeks to his incarceration after the prosecutor had stated that time had been served. Why? Where was the evidence that he was dangerous? He was finally released after a nightmare of 5 months. He was given 2 years of probation. In most cases, people are expected to show up once a month for probation. Christophe was expected to show up once a week. He was also required to see a psychiatrist once a week. The first 2 month of his probation he was ordered to wear an ankle monitor. After a few months of probation, his probation officer said they would ask the court to change his schedule to once a month, as he was doing well, and obviously did not need such a strenuous schedule of visits. The reports from his psychiatrist were all in his favor. This was obviously a fine young man, highly intelligent, highly successful in his work as an engineer and inventor, who had suffered a temporary setback, and deserved a chance to go on with his life. But no, the prosecution refused to change the schedule. They were uninterested in the favorable reports coming both from probation and from his doctor. The schedule was set to change automatically on January 1st, 2025 to once a month. The probation had wanted to alter it already in July 2024. But it was refused.”

“Christophe was in severe depression for months after coming out of jail, mostly because of the injustice of it all. Not so much the jail experience itself. He is a very strong young man, and he was not traumatized by it. But it was all the questions as to why he was singled out for such harsh treatment. And his arrest opened up a whole string of other problems which will be treated separately, but which put the entire family in jeopardy and for which he felt responsible. There seems to have been a concerted effort from separate authorities in Sonoma county to destroy our family. That was the main reason for his depression. As soon as we were able to fix all the collateral damage from his arrest, his depression lifted and he was able to resume a normal life.”

“Life seemed to go back to normal finally for the whole family, and we went on a trip to France to celebrate Christmas 2024.”

“Unfortunately upon our return, he had a relapse. Coming back to Sonoma county seemed to dredge up all the memories. He had another psychotic incident and was arrested again by a Santa Rosa police officer, deputy Ocon. The matter was then transferred to the sheriff's department, and deputy Rodriguez was put in charge. Christophe had wanted answers about all the injustice, but he went about it the wrong way. The emotions, the stress triggered another event. Once again, instead of giving him medical help, he was locked up. Once again the police came to our house to search for weapons in the middle of the night. Once again they found nothing. They were aggressive and rude. They expected us to stay outside in the cold in the middle of the night while they searched the house, and it was only because my husband is recovering from cancer that they allowed us to wait inside the house. There were six of them. Once again they are filing widely exaggerated charges against him, that are completely out of touch with his offense. If the courts had it their way, they would have gladly sent him to prison for 11 years. Yes 11 years, those were the original charges. 11 years for an email. Now they are filing charges that carry a sentence of 6 years. There is no one in California serving a sentence that long in state prison for a verbal threat.”

“What explains this harassment? Are we expected to be so naive as to think that there is not clearly a campaign of harassment against him?”

“On the morning after this latest arrest, we went to the jail to hope to speak to a supervisor and explain the situation about our son. Four police officers were sent to talk to us. My husband tried to give some background, to explain the political ramifications behind all this. Two women from the mental health department were then called. They interviewed us some more. Then, to our utter amazement, one of them, Jessica Kastrup, said she wanted Christophe's father, my husband, to undergo a psychiatric evaluation! She said we could willingly go with her or he would be brought by the police. Note the absurdity of that statement. Go willingly or get hauled over forcibly by the police! We asked how this could be constitutional, we had merely been talking calmly with them? But apparently in the United States of America, you can be forced into a psychiatric evaluation against your will for expressing your opinions. There are three main hospitals here. She asked whether we wanted to go to Sutter or Kaiser. Curiously she did not mention the third hospital, Providence. My husband was diagnosed with lymphoma in June of last year and treated at Providence. He spent 3.5 weeks there. Obviously if he was psychotic the staff would have noticed, which seems to explain why she did not mention the name of that hospital. But I insisted he be brought to Providence. My husband was handcuffed and driven in a sheriff's car to the emergency room. The cuffs were so tight it was painful. At the hospital, the staff was completely bewildered. This is the part of the hospital where they bring in homeless people. A doctor came by, visibly uncomfortable, spent less than a minute with him and then discharged him, stating that obviously there was nothing wrong with him. A brain scan had been ordered for him, which was canceled at the last moment. The technician was taking my husband to get the brain scan, and suddenly told it was canceled. He told my husband this was the first time any such thing had occurred. Everybody in the hospital was shocked and clearly uncomfortable with the situation.”

“So here we are, once again fighting this gross miscarriage of justice. Meanwhile my son is being brutalized in jail. He probably has not slept in days, he needs serious and caring medical attention, but all he will get is four cement walls all around him. He will be alone with his fears, once again treated like a criminal. Today we were scheduled to visit him in the morning. It has been canceled. Another lockdown. Complete sensory deprivation. No human contact, except through a bolted door. What grave harm could he have caused to deserve this?”

So these are my wife's words. The Sonoma County District Attorney will be arrested as well. There is more information coming. Another 5 or 6 articles, in this series. This is Israeli intelligence. Satan.