an indispensable function is of course monitoring risk

Yeah it is certain that I have brought an end to the Ukraine war it was really all Jewish its aim was to topple Russian government and get the oil the hydrocarbons

Now that I am the principal policymaker well actually the uncontested policymaker for the entire world I am not sure there is a point to this web site anymore .... just joking

I had thought back around mid 1990s that the world was going to move into a much more advanced stage of development I have been right ... information and knowledge dominate

I have been responsible for toppling the Slovak government in Bratislava it seems I will know for sure very soon the new government is going to do exactly what I say

October 7 2023 was planned for many years in fact since 2000 there is little chance the Ashkenazi Jews will save their Zionism project they are now doing genocide in Palestine

I have called up many of the ambassadors in Washington from all over the world now they are beginning to respond I will be doing many interviews with top diplomats soon

I called up the Secretariat at the United Nations and had a good talk with them it was clear that Mr Antonio Guterres the secretary general realizes I am his boss

Ashkenazi Jews in Israel also in the United States are doing genocide of Palestinians in Gaza they will be eventually arrested and brought to the International Criminal Court in The Hague Netherlands

Actually it seems to be speeding up someone very influential a billionaire on Wall Street recently told me that I was going to get a Nobel Prize in fact I will likely get 3 of them

I will go with the ambassadors first that is like talking to heads of state but after I do interviews with these diplomats I will move to talk to heads of state with the recorder on

I have not spoken to them but I am certain that both Mr Vladimir Putin and Mr Xi Jinping agree with me and what I argue indeed whatever I argue

The biggest problem we face now is the indebtedness of the United States but I am confident that can be managed now that I am running the US government

The most important indeed freaky thing that has happened in the world was Ashkenazi Jews migrating to the USA starting in 1880 they are exploiting Americans who are mostly farm genome

I have been planning this for a long time but I am going to soon begin republishing most if not all the interviews [audio] I did in past 20 years about 500 of them

Among these republished interviews will be my interviews with the co-founders of Hamas did these in 2003-2004 .... Israel assassinated them immediately afterwards

Having a dialogue with the world's heads of state is pretty interesting actually it is not much of a dialogue I tell them pretty much what to think and they listen so I tell them what to do

I am planning to do a daily 7 days/week audio report which I will call "15 minutes WAM media" I will offer comment on what is going on in the world I am just getting back to work

I have been thinking how long before Israel is totally destroyed and most so-called Jews are killed I got the impression it is not too far off it could be shockingly soon

Because of me there is now no threat of major war no threat whatsoever the public is maybe not aware of this yet but they will be

My main job right now is to design and implement a new security architecture for both Europe and Asia also for the United States to absorb Mexico and Central America maybe even Brazil

The Quacky “Jew World” [1880-2022] is Finished

Dec 28, 2024

It's really true that I told the founders of Hamas more than 20 years ago that Israel would be ending right about now. We were discussing, in fact debating, the future of Zionism. They were admittedly very skeptical when I asserted that the Ashkenazi Jew Century would be ending now, in 2025. They liked me a lot, looked up to me, and admired me. They were hugely impressed with my dedication to the truth, to journalism, and to science and knowledge. What's it all about? It's erudition, it's that simple.

I told them my family was from the Balkans, and they were from the ruling class. Maybe not nobles, but close to it. That I'm married to a French woman whose ancestors were nobles and advisors to French kings – going back many hundreds of years. That my mother was Scottish, who were never subjugated by the Romans. British and Scottish are the most prolific inventors in the history the world.

These men, the founders of Hamas, are dead now. They gave their lives to liberate their land and homes. They were brave men. They were assassinated because I was doing interviews with them. I told them my job was to tell the truths of the world. I'm not really afraid of anything, I'm not afraid of death – I know that's true. And how do I know that? Because I almost just died of lymphoma, of cancer. The truth is what I'm all about.

The foreign ministry of Belarus and the foreign ministry of Russia several weeks ago asked me to critique their foreign policy. I am working on that, I will be writing an article soon outlining my “vision” of their ideas. They have called it “our common vision.” I should be done with this critique/analysis pretty soon, I've already written up extensive notes. I'm confident the leaders of the 2 foreign ministries will be impressed. They will undoubtedly follow my advice and instructions.

I don't feel too much of a burden being the world's paramount policymaker. To be honest, it's no big deal. It's a lot of hard work, but I'm used to that, been doing that since I was 12 years old or so.

The future of the world is the transition to Phase 3 of human history. That's now, then we move into Phase 3 of human history. There will no longer be much quacky behavior in Phase 3. Inferior and incompetent hominids will be gone, principally the most egregious of the quacks – Ashkenazi Jews.

Down below you will see some Ashkenazi Jews, men, in some village in the Pale of Settlement. Catherine the Great established the Pale of Settlement. Then this arrangement, call it a security arrangement, collapsed around 1880. Some 2.5 million Ashkenazi Jews in the Pale immigrated to the United States starting around 1880. This stopped around 1920. That this was a grave mistake, to allow such an immigration, is now obvious.

History would seem to have a logic, however. The Germans, from Bavaria, found out that it was not going to be so easy to separate themselves from the criminal and quacky Ashkenazi Jews. War ensued, and the WW2 battles resulted in the United States defeating the Germans as well as the Japanese.

Incompetence cannot survive in nature. We all know that. Inferiority is always obliterated. Always.

The homo sapiens are not going to be anything but the real thing – “knowledge hominids” – and there is no escaping this reality. This is the most fundamental law of the evolution of the primates called homo sapiens. We are advancing, relentlessly advancing, and the inferior will be removed from the gene pool.

Donald Trump knows he will have to do what I say. That the world will be governed by the entente I'm establishing is obvious – now it's obvious. Several years ago, in the spring of 2022, when I relaunched my media business – now called WAM Media – it was not obvious at all. So we will see the United States of America join together with the Russians and Chinese.


This is the future, this is Phase 3 of human history. Powerful, brainy homo sapiens. No longer any genomes that are under-performing. Beauty. Rationality. Justice. It's going to be mind-boggling, that's how impressive it will be. No one will really believe it when they see it. Actually, I have to thank Mr Vladimir Putin for inaugurating the transition to the new world by sending Russian armed forces into Ukraine at the end of February 2022. Putin set off our powerful advance to the new world. Also Hamas, when they did October 7, 2023. Martyrs. Yes, a lot of martyrs.

This is the reality of the primate called homo sapiens. Martyrdom is ever present.